CHENG, P. *, and SCAILLET, O. **
* Barclays Capital and Swiss Finance Institute
** HEC Geneve and Swiss Finance Institute
We aim at accommodating the existing affine jump-diffusion and quadratic models under the same roof, namely the linear-quadratic jump-diffusion (LQJD) class. We give a complete characterization of the dynamics of this class by stating explicitly the structural constraints, as well as the admissibility conditions. This allows us to carry out a specification analysis for the 3-factor LQJD models. We compute the standard transform of the state vector relevant to asset pricing up to a system of ordinary differential equations. We show that the LQJD class can be embedded into the affine class through use of an augmented state vector. This establishes a one-to-one equivalence relationship between both classes in terms of transform analysis.
Keywords : Linear-quadratic models, affine models, jump-diffusions, generalized Fourier transform, option pricing.
JEL : G12.